
Sonya'os penktadienis: pirmoji savaitė

Atnaujinta: 2022-06-10

Penktadienis, birželio 10 d.

Ką šiuo metu skaitau
Paulo Ronge'o „Im Namen der Gerechtigkeit. Erinnerungen eines Strafverteidigers“. Ronge buvo gynybos advokatas, gimęs Rytų Prūsijoje, dirbęs Karaliaučiuje teisininku iki Antrojo pasaulinio karo pabaigos. Jo paskutinių dienų mieste stebėjimas tapo „Vilko vaikų“ angliško leidimo epitafija:
Königsberg, July 1945
On one of those glorious days, I walked along the deserted Hagenstrasse. A small cart rolled past me. Two children had their hands on the drawbar and were trotting along the road to Juditten. On the cart, however, lay a wooden box just large enough to hold the body of a small child, a bouquet of field flowers on top of it. Next to it there was still room for the shovel. Two children were preparing to bury a third. Far and wide no adult!

Šios savaitės akcentas
Susitikome su Ramune Našlėniene ( Ji pasakojo apie tautinio drabužio juostų pynimą. Ramūnę galėsite sutikti per Lauksnos festivalį (, švenčiant UNESCO saugomą nematerialų kultūros paveldą.

Kaip man sekasi rašyti?
Nuo tada, kai atvykau į Klaipėdą, iš tikrųjų labai mažai rašiau. Dauguma dienų buvo skirtos susitikimams su žmonėmis, pristatymams ir interviu bei įsikūrimui naujoje vietoje. Šią savaitę turėjau vieną dieną visa skirtą rašymui, kuri praėjo puikiai.

Mažai žinomas faktas apie mane
Kolegijoje užsidirbau dirbdama slaugos namuose.

Man svarbiausia dorybė

Kiekvieną penktadienį paskelbsime Sonya Winterberg savaitės apžvalgą. Tokiu būdu galėsime bent virtualiai su ja susipažinti ir labiau ją pažinti. Sonya yra daug apdovanojimų pelniusi žurnalistė, rašytoja bei dokumentinių filmų kūrėja iš Vokietijos. Lietuvoje ji geriausiai žinoma kaip knygos „Mes – Vilko vaikai. Palikti Rytų Prūsijoje“  autorė. Šios knygos angliškas vertimas dar šiemet pasieks įvairias pasaulio šalis. Jei pamatysite ją bibliotekoje ar mieste, drąsiai užkalbinkite – jai bus malonu pasišnekučiuoti ir išgirsti jūsų istoriją.


Friday, 10th of June

What I currently read
Paul Ronge’s “Im Namen der Gerechtigkeit. Erinnerungen eines Strafverteidigers”. Ronge was a defense attorney born in East Prussia, practicing law in Königsberg until the end of WWII. An observation of his last days in the city became the epitaph for the English edition of the Wolf Children:
Königsberg, July 1945
On one of those glorious days, I walked along the deserted Hagenstrasse. A small cart rolled past me. Two children had their hands on the drawbar and were trotting along the road to Juditten. On the cart, however, lay a wooden box just large enough to hold the body of a small child, a bouquet of field flowers on top of it. Next to it there was still room for the shovel. Two children were preparing to bury a third. Far and wide no adult!

Highlight of my week
Meeting Ramunė Našlėnienė ( who told me a lot about traditional heddle weaving of the bands that are part of the Lithuanian national dress. You can meet her during the Lauksnos festival (, celebrating intangible cultural heritage protected by UNESCO.

How is the writing going?
Since I have arrived in Klaipėda, I have actually written very little. Most days were filled with meeting people, giving presentations and interviews, and settling in. This week I had my first full day of writing, which felt great.

Little known fact about me
I earned my way through college by working in hospice care.

My favorite virtue

Every Friday, starting this week, we publish the “week in review” by our writer-in-residence Sonya Winterberg. This way you can meet her virtually and learn more about her. Sonya is an award-winning journalist, writer and documentary filmmaker from Germany. In Lithuania she is best known for her book on the so-called Wolf Children of East Prussia. The English translation of her book will be published globally later this year. If you see her in the library or around town, please say hi – she is always happy to chat and hear your stories.

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